Brianna & Dylan

December 28, 2025 • Groton, MA
289 Days To Go!

Brianna & Dylan

December 28, 2025 • Groton, MA
289 Days To Go!

Timeline of Our Story

Our first pic together on our first date after we crushed an escape room

December 22, 2018

Our first pic together on our first date after we crushed an escape room
Our first trip together where we went camping and drove to Woodloch to use their swimming pool despite not being guests there

May 25, 2019

Our first trip together where we went camping and drove to Woodloch to use their swimming pool despite not being guests there
Trip to Newport where we toured the mansions and pondered out living in them one day

June 20, 2019

Trip to Newport where we toured the mansions and pondered out living in them one day
First Yankee game together and first time Dylan got to experience the Bleacher Creatures

August 15, 2019

First Yankee game together and first time Dylan got to experience the Bleacher Creatures
Dylan's first time in New York when he met Brianna's entire family and got to experience what good pizza actually tastes like (take that pizza strips!)

September 07, 2019

Dylan's first time in New York when he met Brianna's entire family and got to experience what good pizza actually tastes like (take that pizza strips!)
Our friends 21st birthday where we thought Dylan was drunkest but it was actually Brianna who for the rest of the night talked all about her love for Cole Von Cole

November 02, 2019

Our friends 21st birthday where we thought Dylan was drunkest but it was actually Brianna who for the rest of the night talked all about her love for Cole Von Cole
Around our first anniversary, we went to New York City and Dylan got to see the Rockefeller tree for the first time! We also fell in love with Bryant Park and their waffles

January 11, 2020

Around our first anniversary, we went to New York City and Dylan got to see the Rockefeller tree for the first time! We also fell in love with Bryant Park and their waffles
Our last time going out before the pandemic hit and the world turned upside down (thank you to all my fellow healthcare workers & first responders!!)

March 09, 2020

Our last time going out before the pandemic hit and the world turned upside down (thank you to all my fellow healthcare workers & first responders!!)
Trip to Nashville during the pandemic where we stayed in Brianna's mom RV! It was so weird seeing Broadway completely empty

July 19, 2020

Trip to Nashville during the pandemic where we stayed in Brianna's mom RV! It was so weird seeing Broadway completely empty
Dinner on a train through Portsmouth where Brianna got to experience fall foliage in all its glory

October 19, 2020

Dinner on a train through Portsmouth where Brianna got to experience fall foliage in all its glory
Our first Christmas spent together where Dylan got experience Christmas lights at Dyker Heights

December 25, 2020

Our first Christmas spent together where Dylan got experience Christmas lights at Dyker Heights
The day we adopted Buddy and our family grew a little bigger!

February 27, 2021

The day we adopted Buddy and our family grew a little bigger!
Brianna's first time in New Hampshire where we went for Dylan's disc golf tournament. Obviously we had to slay an escape room while there

May 23, 2021

Brianna's first time in New Hampshire where we went for Dylan's disc golf tournament. Obviously we had to slay an escape room while there
The day we moved in together and had to sleep on a air mattress for a few days

June 01, 2021

The day we moved in together and had to sleep on a air mattress for a few days
Brianna's first college graduation!

October 03, 2021

Brianna's first college graduation!
First Halloween with Buddy where we all went dressed as Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby undercover as a panda!

October 31, 2021

First Halloween with Buddy where we all went dressed as Shaggy, Velma, and Scooby undercover as a panda!
Dylan's college graduation after 6 long hard years and multiple major changes!

May 14, 2022

Dylan's college graduation after 6 long hard years and multiple major changes!
Trip to Lake George for a cousin's wedding where we discovered the art of taking photos like we're toddlers and our moms forced us

June 18, 2022

Trip to Lake George for a cousin's wedding where we discovered the art of taking photos like we're toddlers and our moms forced us
Brianna's first time seeing the pumpkins at Roger Williams Zoo and it was spectacular

October 09, 2022

Brianna's first time seeing the pumpkins at Roger Williams Zoo and it was spectacular
The day Argentina won the World Cup and Dylan got kissed on the lips by Brianna's brother every time Argentina scored (he got 7 kisses)

December 18, 2022

The day Argentina won the World Cup and Dylan got kissed on the lips by Brianna's brother every time Argentina scored (he got 7 kisses)
Dylan proposed on our 4th anniversary in Bryant park and Brianna told him she had to think about it (Don't worry, it was a bit and she said yes immediately after)

January 20, 2023

Dylan proposed on our 4th anniversary in Bryant park and Brianna told him she had to think about it (Don't worry, it was a bit and she said yes immediately after)
Our engagement party where we got to celebrate with all our friends and family!

July 08, 2023

Our engagement party where we got to celebrate with all our friends and family!
Halloween where we went as Spider-Man and MJ!

October 31, 2023

Halloween where we went as Spider-Man and MJ!
The day we toured our wedding venue and immediately knew we had to get married here!

November 11, 2023

The day we toured our wedding venue and immediately knew we had to get married here!
The day we met our niece Keegan for the first time!

January 18, 2024

The day we met our niece Keegan for the first time!
Brianna's second college graduation, this time from nursing school!

August 16, 2024

Brianna's second college graduation, this time from nursing school!
Our friends' beautiful wedding! (Dylan got a solo pic so figured I deserved one too)

September 07, 2024

Our friends' beautiful wedding! (Dylan got a solo pic so figured I deserved one too)
Another friends' wedding this time a week later and in Maine (it was Brianna's first time in Maine and she loved it!)

September 14, 2024

Another friends' wedding this time a week later and in Maine (it was Brianna's first time in Maine and she loved it!)
Halloween as a witch and wizard (if you know you know)

October 31, 2024

Halloween as a witch and wizard (if you know you know)
The day we took our engagement photos (after 2 years lol) and the snow couldn't have been more perfect! (Shoutout to Monti for being our Buddy wrangler this day)

January 12, 2025

The day we took our engagement photos (after 2 years lol) and the snow couldn't have been more perfect! (Shoutout to Monti for being our Buddy wrangler this day)
The day we finally get to walk down the aisle!!!!

December 28, 2025

The day we finally get to walk down the aisle!!!!